The future was, if I may so say, in His eye so foreshortened that the two things ran into one, and the ambiguous expression did truly connote the one undivided act of prescient consciousness in which He at once recognised the Cross and the throne. And so, when the time was come that ...
It was also from this vein that the most powerful moment of the film sprang. As Jesus carries His cross, Mary begs John to get her closer to Him. She emerges into His path just as He fall under the weight of the cross. She runs to His aid, and as she does so the film cuts ...
“When the blessed Gabriel announced to the holy Virgin the generation of the only-begotten Son of God according to the flesh, he said, “You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the ...
As Jesus carries the cross along the Via Dolorosa to Calvary, Veronica wipes Jesus's face with her veil. Simon of Cyrene is unwillingly pressed into carrying the cross for Jesus. Jesus is then crucified. As he hangs from the cross, Jesus prays forgiveness for those who did this to him, ...
Is it more likely that our Savior carries the scars of our Redemption upon His Body…forever? And I saw between the Throne (with the four living creatures) and the elders a Lamb standing, as if slain…~ Revelation 5:6, NASU
No charges can be brought against the believer who carries out his service to the body of Christ in the spirit of Christ. Mistakes will be made. Errors in judgment will occur. The devil will trick and trip with his deceit, but no charges will ever be brought by God against the ...
Themissio Dei, or the mission of God, is the context in which every other theological event takes place. Creation, the fall, the Cross, the calling of Israel and the Church and the new heavens and new earth all have their place as moments along the timeline of God’s mission. As impor...
The name Jesus Christ carries with it therefore deep theological significance. One must consider not only the bare historical facts about Jesus of Nazareth, but also the interpretation of those facts. II. The background to the life of Jesus A vast store of lit. describes the historical back...
“through the Holy Spirit in the inner man,” The Holy Spirit is the operative power of God. He is the One who carries out the will of the Father in accordance with the intermediate agency and delegated authority of the Son. Apart from the Spirit, all one could ever hope to attain in...
God's Supreme Sovereignty: He Accomplishes His Pleasure & Carries His People! 1:02:07 Geoffrey R. Kirkland • 11/21/21 100+ 先知以賽亞之書 46The Absolute Sovereignty of God Over Rulers, Over Israel, & Over Nations 1:05:02 Geoffrey R. Kirkland • 11/14/21 100+ 1 先知以賽亞之書...