Isaiah 14 contains one of the Old Testaments clearest prophecies about Lucifer. He was cast out of heaven (vs. 12) for exalting himself (vs. 13). Yet he is to be brought down “to the sides of the pit” (vs. 15). Isaiah 14:18-21 perfectly parallels the prophecy in Revelation 20:...
13 And I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. 14 *And there was given him dominion and glory, and a *kingdom, that all people, nations, and languag...
We recently ran a program where we brought a 4th grade class out to our property and taught them about maple syruping and had them tap some of our trees. The day ended with the Examen prayer. The examen is a spiritual exercise from St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit or...
For your love is better than wine; your anointing oils are fragrant; your name is oil poured out; therefore virgins love you. Draw me after you; let us run. The king has brought me into his chambers. We will exult and rejoice in you; we will extol your love more than wine; rightly...
Jesus of Nazareth was one of those political offenders crucified at the order of the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate. The charges brought against Jesus contained the political elements necessary for the execution by crucifixion. In fact, He was blamed in a conspiracy against Herod, the King of ...
Jesus is a central figure in Christianity believed to be the incarnation of God. Read about when and where Jesus was born, his age when he died, and more.
etching pale rivulets across his grime-encased feet. As she opened her eyes, the pent-up reservoirs poured out, making a muddy mess. Kneeling quickly, she loosed flowing hair to clean ankles, toes, soles, and heels. Then, leaning lower, she kissed the feet that brought such good news....
he who has sworn that every one of his people whom he hath redeemed by blood shall be brought safe to his Father's right hand, is himself essential Deity. O my brethren, we rest upon a sure foundation when we build upon the Incarnate God; and O ye saints of God, the interests of ...
His Father In Heaven brought Jesus back from the grave about 3 days later in a Glorified Resurrection Body, and over the course of the next 40 days, He appeared many times to His disciples before rising into the sky at the Ascension-- the moment when He returned to His Father God in ...
Be– Personal call for you – God saved our forefathers through thousands of years, even in the middle of a flood, war, and natural calamities, and brought us into this World. God’s sovereign plan in Christ Jesus for you and me was well planned by God before the foundations of the ea...