A while back, I recorded an episode ofThe Informed Lifewith Jorge Arango, and it’s just been released. We had hoped to cover a couple of specific topics, but just as we hit record, our topic agenda took a left turn into some of my recent interests in intellectual history. ...
Chris Helzer I am The Nature Conservancy’s Director of Science and Stewardship in Nebraska. I supervise the work at our two main preserves in Nebraska – the Platte River Prairies and the Niobrara Valley Preserve. I also evaluate and capture lessons from the Conservancy’s land management and...
Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, and other comedians defended the jokes Chris Rock made about Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith in his latest Netflix comedy special. Sandler, 56, came to Rock's defense during interviews on the red carpet Sunday before receiving the 202...
July 11th:the key to successful interactive storytelling isintuition. July 8th:asad exampleof authors’ political agenda intruding into scientific analysis. June 27th:a rousing tale of grit, ingenuity, and pluck in the face of determined technological opposition:Accessing Star Trek June 26th:Screwed b...
The Rock 'n' Roll Dreams of Duncan Christopher (2010) Set Dresser, Boom Operator Ivory (2010) Leadman $1.3MM The Killer Inside Me (2010) Set Dresser $13MM $11K $217K $4.1MM Love Letters (2007) Boom Operator $8K Agenda (2007) Set Dresser Fingerprints (2006) Producti...
here. It seemed so futile, somehow, to lay down your life in order to prevent someone you don’t know from crossing an imaginary line drawn on a map, only to be forgotten by all, a lonely rock pile being the only memorial to your anonymous existence. Was he Italian or Austro-...
30 Rock (2007) (TV Series) - Chris Matthews (1 episode, 2007) Hard Ball (二月 22, 2007) Season 1, Episode 15 - Chris Matthews 1 The West Wing (2005) (TV Series) - Chris Matthews (1 episode, 2005) Message of the Week (十月 9, 2005) Season 7, Episode 3 - Chris Matt...
Last week I went back and took my son with me, furthering the agenda of the spine parasite. The map of interests and learning and travels I have embarked on in the last twenty years is a dense spiderweb, and this site is the central nucleus holding much of it together. I don’t ...
When Jesus declares, “the first will be last and the last will first” and the best way to calibrate your mindset, heart, life, and agenda, He is surely “un-American.” When Jesus turns over the tables of greedy, manipulative, unethical, and deceptive money swindlers stepping over ...
In June 2022, in response to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, Sterntold his radio listenersthat he was “actually going to probably have to run for president now,” saying his agenda would be to “make the country fair again.” ...