Week 10:Chris Dunn(NC State) 4-4 Field Goals (Long 38) 5-5 Extra Points Chris Dunn, NC State PUNTER Week 1:Jake Bailey(Stanford) 48.8 Yard Average on 5 Punts (Long 63) Week 2:Brandon Wright(Georgia State) 56.3 Yard Average on 4 Punts (Long 65) Week 3:Tyler Newsome(Notre Dame) ...
Week 7: Ryan Wright (Tulane)47.7 Yard Punt Average on 6 Punts (Long 65) 50+ Yard Field Goals Week 4:Evan McPherson (Florida) 55, Jake Oldroyd (Air Force) 54, Christopher Dunn (NC State) 53, Jacob Barnes (Louisiana Tech) 51, Blake Lynch (Kansas State) 50. Week 5:Brayden ...
industrial weapons to kill thousands of innocents, wound thousands more and make tens of thousands of families homeless is not a war: It is state-sponsored terror. And, while I oppose the indiscriminate firing of rockets by Palestinians into Israel, as I ...
Filed Under:UncategorizedTagged With:Aidan Daily,Campbell Geddes,Chris Sailer Kicking,Christopher Dunn,Event Elite,Exposure,John Brosnahan,kicking camp,Liam Jones,Lorran Fonseca,Punting Camp,Tommy Martin,Vegas XXVIII Preparing for Vegas XXVIII May 14, 2016Byadmin VEGAS XXVIII(the 2nd largest Kicking/Pun...