Christine Weston Chandler (born: February 24, 1982), 簡稱Chris-Chan, CWC,曾用名Christian Weston Chandler, 美國弗吉尼亞州知名大齡自閉症啃姥戰神,雲傑都難以望其項背的存在。曾因和自己八十多歲的老母親發生性關係而入獄(VA州亂倫違法)。 CWC於1982年2月24日出生於弗吉尼亞州Charlottesville,一生中大部分時間...
Chris-chan Discusses...: Created by Larry Bundy Jr.. With Christine Weston Chandler, Larry Bundy Jr.. A series of video interviews between Larry Bundy Jr., a.k.a. 'Guru Larry' and Christian Weston Chandler, best known on the Internet for being the origin
Chris Chan Update 21 October 2008 (officially Chris Chan Update October 21, 2008) is a video uploaded by Chris to YouTube on the titular date. In this video, Chris is shown in a level of depression that wouldn't be topped until a year later. Chris issues a statement on Blanca breakin...
We all know it isn't the TRUE ORIGINAL Chris-chan if he doesn't wear his medaillon or High-School Ring. Also, Transformers are toys for boys, so I guess that's a subtle way of telling us you haven't forgotten your gender.
[Download] Chris H did a live show to talk about what it is like to be a Renegade Host. Chris spoke about his process in coming across Renegade and eventually coming onboard, also how getting a show together every week was hard when trying to do pre-records and lining up guests. The...
“Jaws,” the movie that did for sharks what “Psycho” did for showers, was rooted in the primal fear that drove its famous opening scene: the terror of having your body shredded by razory teeth and engulfed in a great white gullet. In its limb-shearing way, it caught the fear of ...
BRUSSELS -- The music industry will launch a new bid Tuesday to persuade the European Union to slash VAT on recorded music, as it uses the glitz of star players to make a political point. In recent days, Tom Jones, SirElton Johnand Julio Iglesias have joined some 1,150 artists putting ...
The show is one of a number of new orders at Netflix, which has also greenlit competition series Building The Band and Battle Camp. The shows were revealed by new reality bossJeff Gaspin, who spoke to Deadline about its overall unscripted strategy. ...
“[My publicist] wakes me up in a state, and she says, ‘We have to craft a message on what happened in Venice,’” he recalled. “I’m like, ‘What?’ She says, ‘About Harry spitting on you.’ I had no idea what happened. She showed me the thing and it did look, in...
did not look, much less think outside of the box or look over the immediate and accepted (status quo) threat horizon when it came to the domestic threat landscape. In other words, it saw what it wanted to see and ignored what it did not want to see or hear (such as the repeated ...