Additional hardware, radio and system information displayed in top header; which can be toggled. Admin page split up into logical sub-sections/sub-pages, in order to present better feedback messages when making changes. Note: Last-Heard and other dynamic tables are hidden in the admin sections...
echo 'function reloadRadioInfo(){'."\n"; echo ' $("#radioInfo").load("/mmdvmhost/radioinfo.php",function(){ setTimeout(reloadRadioInfo, 1000) });'."\n"; echo '}'."\n"; echo 'setTimeout(reloadRadioInfo, 1000);'."\n"; echo '$(window).trigger(\'resize\');'."\n...
Radio Realism FR LSPDFR's enhanced pursuits updates (dispatch overhaul) and much more... No more silent... ByOfficerporci UpdatedSeptember 14, 2023 264.3k LPCallouts Callout based on real life events ByLowRid3R UpdatedMay 19, 2021
Retired LAPD Deputy Chief Louis Reiter, who is now a police consultant, testified that “there was absolutely no justification” for Moats to use his baton and revolver in that situation. He added that Moats should have radioed for backup help. John G. Peters Jr., a nationally-known instruc...