The agreement on the 54,000-square-foot property, on Arroyo Boulevard just north of the Foothill Freeway, ends a search that involved three studies on several locations in the area served by the Glendale office. The Glendale CHP, which patrols parts of four freeways stretching from Sun Valley...
[66]; Kahraman et al., (2007) offered a fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS model for industrial robotic systems [67]; Yong (2006) proposed a TOPSIS method for the selection of plant locations [68]; and Chen (2000) developed a version of the TOPSIS method for group decision making in a fuzzy ...
Last ten year average data were extracted from a network common data format (netCDF) file, for the locations under study. 2.4. Simulation Configuration Once the micro-CHP unit was developed and tested, and the environmental boundary conditions were defined, a performance analysis of the system ...
Computers that are used by many users (for example, those in public locations such as libraries) are especially vulnerable since any user can import a root CA certificate. The attacker can simply import a rogue CA certificate to a computer, move to another computer nearby, and wait for ...