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Read the latest news on Chow Yun-Fat (周润发) at Far East Films: the Asian movie news, reviews and views website.
Chow Yun-Fat was named "The Coolest Actor in the World," by the Los Angeles Times in 1995. He starred in the Chinese action film 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.'
The Bund 9_3 The Bund 9_4 The Bund 9_5 147.这位名叫”贾依人”的“小姐”,扮演者是刘雅丽 是的,引起祸端,也没让丁先生上床,就拍拍屁股一走了之 刘雅丽在自己的履历里,根本不提起上海滩…… The Bund 9_6 148.男人的毛病,丁力也毫不示弱 看见漂亮女人,就想请吃饭 这件事不是文强帮会被灭的根本原...
Chow Yun-Fat. Interprete: La tigre e il dragone. Chow Yun-Fat è nato il 18 maggio 1955. Luogo di nascita: Lamma Island, Hong Kong. È conosciuto come attore e sceneggiatore. È celebre per aver partecipato a La tigre e il dragone (2000), Costretti a
了解周润发(Chow Yun Fat)的人都知道,他除了会赚钱之外,他也拥有一位善于投资的贤内助陈荟莲(Jasmine Tan)。被大家呢称为发哥的周润发入行40年,虽然近年产量不高,片酬却高达4000万元一部,吸金力十足。 除了演艺事业,周润发夫妇在房地产投资中也赚了大钱,尤其是发嫂陈荟莲,极具投资眼光,自上世纪90年代开始他们就已经...
翻译 Chow Yun Fat 释义 [人名]周润发 实用场景例句 全部 Chow Yun - fat rose to fame in Hongkong with gangster movies. 周润发 在香港因为出演黑帮片而声名鹊起. 互联网 When will you act withChow Yun Fatagain? (Snow)你什么时候再和周润发一起拍电影?
Chow Yun-Fat.Presents a biographical account of the life of Hong Kong actor Chow Yun-Fat. Details on Chow Yun-Fat's childhood; Career achievements of Chow Yun-Fat; Description of his work.EBSCO_AspCurrent Biography
fat adj. 1.(食品)油腻的,(含)油的,浸透油的,油脂过多的,(肉)肥的,多脂肪的,(木材)多脂的 2.多肉的,肥胖的;丰满的;饱满的;太丰满的,(人)过于肥胖的,肥大的 3.厚的;粗的;宽 fat( )splitting 脂肪分解 fat headed a. 愚笨的 low fat adj. 低脂的 full fat a. 全脂的 non fat 脱脂...
chow yun-fat 读音:美英 chow yun-fat基本解释 周润发 分词解释 chow原产地中国的狗(体壮,有褐或黑色厚毛,舌为深蓝色)