Read the latest news on Chow Yun-Fat (周润发) at Far East Films: the Asian movie news, reviews and views website.
CYF (redirected fromChow Yun Fat) AcronymDefinition CYFChildren, Youth and Families CYFChow Yun Fat(actor) CYFChristian Youth Fellowship CYFCross Your Fingers CYFChristian Yde Frostholm(Danish poet and artist) CYFCanadian Youth Foundation CYFCall You Free ...
Chow Yun-Fat was named "The Coolest Actor in the World," by the Los Angeles Times in 1995. He starred in the Chinese action film 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.'
翻译 Chow Yun Fat 释义 [人名]周润发 实用场景例句 全部 Chow Yun - fat rose to fame in Hongkong with gangster movies. 周润发 在香港因为出演黑帮片而声名鹊起. 互联网 When will you act withChow Yun Fatagain? (Snow)你什么时候再和周润发一起拍电影?
The Bund(Chow Yun-fat)9 144. 接下来,文强和金大光的矛盾,实际上也是与其他帮会的矛盾,全面展开 The Bund 9_1 145. 很偶然,丁力认识了老金的二奶 两个淫荡的人碰上了,会有啥好事?当然是干柴烈火 The Bund 9_2 146.此女相貌如何?还算白净
Chow Yun-Fat. Interprete: La tigre e il dragone. Chow Yun-Fat è nato il 18 maggio 1955. Luogo di nascita: Lamma Island, Hong Kong. È conosciuto come attore e sceneggiatore. È celebre per aver partecipato a La tigre e il dragone (2000), Costretti a
fat adj. 1.(食品)油腻的,(含)油的,浸透油的,油脂过多的,(肉)肥的,多脂肪的,(木材)多脂的 2.多肉的,肥胖的;丰满的;饱满的;太丰满的,(人)过于肥胖的,肥大的 3.厚的;粗的;宽 fat( )splitting 脂肪分解 fat headed a. 愚笨的 low fat adj. 低脂的 full fat a. 全脂的 non fat 脱脂...
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chow yun-fat 读音:美英 chow yun-fat基本解释 周润发 分词解释 chow原产地中国的狗(体壮,有褐或黑色厚毛,舌为深蓝色)
周润发 X 米拉·索维诺 | Chow Yun Fat X Mira Sorvino | 1998《替身杀手/The Replacement Killers》 6579 277 24:28 App 盘点20世纪TVB十大当家小生,个个都是气质与演技并存的优秀艺人 63 -- 6:30 App 【CUT电影史-4A 宇宙的控制.Histoire(s).du.ciné'univers.1998】 411 -- 4...