1) choula (drawing) tectonic system 抽拉构造体制 2) drawing-out tectonics 抽拉构造 1. The sources of mineralizing materials and the enrichment position of ore-deposits could be well explained by the new global dynamic theory, that is, the theory of twisting vortex and throw-out as well as...
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Except for geosyncline inversion and plate subduction and collision, there is another orogenic model, i.e., the choula(drawing)-thrust sheet tectonics. The Qinling-Dabie mountain chain may be a typical representative of the orogen formed by it. This paper introduces in detail its concept, ...
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Dr. Choulamany has worked to address mental health issues and needs in her country with a uniquely successful approach. She works with all levels of government, advocating for better treatment services, more funding and pushing for more trained health professionals. Several of the 17 district and...
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