FOR RV; FOR HOME; FOR OLDERS; EASY TO USE. 3 different memo boards optional. RV Memo Board; Home Memo Board; Elder Daily Care Memo Board. A practical check list board for helping you develope a good habit, turn the button at the back to a check mark after finishing a certain item...
Mark's note: I use this set to introduce the target language 'have to' and 'don't have to.' 'I have to do the dishes.' 'I don't have to take out the trash.' See set 2 for more options for things adults usually have to do.Games and worksheets to match these flashcards:...
FOR RV; FOR HOME; FOR OLDERS; EASY TO USE. 3 different memo boards optional. RV Memo Board; Home Memo Board; Elder Daily Care Memo Board. A practical check list board for helping you develope a good habit, turn the button at the back to a check mark after finishing a certain item...