… God Is Not Against Me Chords and Lyrics – Elevation Worship What joy to know You Lord To walk within Your ways To live beneath the shadow of Your wing Faithful You will lead me And I won’t fear a thing You alone my song will always be WLeave a Comment Lost and lonely on the...
Hey Joel, I believe the original key for the Toy Story movie is Eb. The reason I didn’t write out the chords in Eb is because the chords in that key aren’t the easiest on the ukulele. A great way to bump up the key to play along with the soundtrack would be to use a capo...
My Hope Is Jesus Chords and Lyrics – Big Daddy Weave Dec.10, 2024 in M Leave a Comment There’s hope when the night is falling Hope when the fight is calling Hope when the fear is closing in You are the lamp to my feet You’re in the trenches with me You are the reason I ...
Next on the list is melody generation. Unlike chord notation, melodies are a bit trickier to express through plaintext. For this reason, I started by asking ChatGPT for a list of the best formats to use when generating melodies. Here's a list of options that it provides. You can referen...
so be careful not to let them ring really loud and disturb the general sound with extra noise, which will certainly only make the quality of the played riff worse. There’s a certain reason why this melody doesn’t sound boring or really common: it is not afraid of climbing up the fret...
There's No Reason To Be Living Things That Lovers Do Thirty Links of Chain This One Gets My Vote This World Holds Nothing Since You're Gone Thoughts Of A Lonely Man Torn From The Pages Of Life Touch Me Not Tragic Romance Tree For The Cross ...
Let me also tell you that the reason I chose this topic was twofold. Number one, as a writer, I wanted to keep the bargain I had made with myself, and literally the place my glance landed was on the fringe of said scarf. Number two, and from here on, more relevantly, the ...
Now I've got every reason to rejoice Your unmerited favour is on my life It's got nothing to do with what I did But it's all about What You've done for me And because of the cross It's plain to see I'm irrevocably saved, now I am free ...
Like some of you, I've been playing the piano since early childhood, and have added a few other instruments along the way, plus an interest in arranging and composing music. You can find out more about me and the reason for this website at my About Me page.Recent...
That's the reason I forget the words of this song. Well, he shows me a four-leaf clover, and before me song is over, It's buried in a bowl of Lucky Charms. Ther'es a leprechaun on the floor, and he says that I'm a bore. ...