►2019(45) ►2018(41) ►2017(36) ►2016(59) ►2015(32) ►2014(62) ►2013(75) ►2012(122) ►2011(145) ►2010(8) ►2009(25) Useful Resources 91pu UltimateGuitar.com Reverse Chord Identifier Monitored by Google Analytics...
*** Identifier *** On a video a guitarist plays a chord you don’t know ? You have composed a song by ear and you want to write the chord grid ? Fabulus gives you the name of the chord from the position of the fingers. *** Decomposer *** You’re a beginner and you want to...
*** Identifier *** On a video a guitarist plays a chord you don't know ? You have composed a song by ear and you want to write the chord grid ? Fabulus gives you the name of the chord from the position of the fingers. *** ...
The JAMS files in ChoCo also contain 771 links to other resources, representing about 3.8% of the dataset. These were extracted from the original collections, and automatically verified and corrected for validity (link/identifier working) and consistency (disambiguation of the resource pointed, e.g....
*** Identifier *** On a video a guitarist plays a chord you don't know ? You have composed a song by ear and you want to write the chord grid ? Fabulus gives you the name of the chord from the position of the fingers. *** ...
Donations / 捐赠 Love & Enjoy my Detailed Chord Sheets, Covers and Guitar Knowledge? If you wish to give me some support to continue making more awesome Chord Sheets and useful Contents, please consider making a Donation to me via the various options below. Thank you! :) ...
*** Identifier *** On a video a guitarist plays a chord you don't know ? You have composed a song by ear and you want to write the chord grid ? Fabulus gives you the name of the chord from the position of the fingers. *** ...
*** Identifier *** On a video a guitarist plays a chord you don't know ? You have composed a song by ear and you want to write the chord grid ? Fabulus gives you the name of the chord from the position of the fingers. *** ...
*** Identifier *** On a video a guitarist plays a chord you don't know ? You have composed a song by ear and you want to write the chord grid ? Fabulus gives you the name of the chord from the position of the fingers. *** ...
*** Identifier *** On a video a guitarist plays a chord you don't know ? You have composed a song by ear and you want to write the chord grid ? Fabulus gives you the name of the chord from the position of the fingers. *** ...