HiFi World:"Hugo TT2 resolves both CD and hi-res digital with breathtaking clarity, giving a starkly clear and concise sound unmatched elsewhere. It also has fantastic timing and almost peculiarly tight yet punchy bass. It is a little short on warmth, especially with DSD, majoring on deep an...
The TT2 also uses the new filter system that first saw the light of day on the Hugo 2 and the Qutest. I love the Chord filters system, period. I use it on the Qutest and the Hugo and most of the time I end up with the warm filter due to personal preferences. When I switch to ...
HUGO TT2 型式:USBDAC/数位前级/耳扩 材质:铝合金车制机壳,不锈钢珠轴承按钮,镜面黑色压克力面板...
便携随身用过hugo2,感觉不错,看介绍解码能力hugo tt2全面超越hugo2,而且功率大。甚至推t1二代,800等也能取得比较好的效果,于是定了一套,等了两个月,今天到了 825534 耳机吧 徐大为 久违的开箱,一个声音还不错,但是推力弱的解码耳放一体机太累了,洗个澡,俩小时后更 77930 耳机吧 Marcozth chord hugo2 +...
(white). The USB port handles PCM data sampled at up to 768kHz, and DoP-formatted DSD data up to DSD256. No USB driver is needed for Macs; PCs require an ASIO driver, but can send native DSD data up to DSD512 (not that I'm aware of any music files available at that resolution...