百行的自助餐桌鳞次栉比的包围着大半个宴会厅,Meat Loaf,Pork Chop,Sauce, 这些看似普通的餐点却被特级厨师长们弄得别具一格,... 分享回复赞 天津新航道吧 磨人小怪 托福听力可替换词语汇总change of pace ---> diversion charge ---> pay // fine check ---> ask check it out ---> find out ...
Also a small cooked chicken bone to nibble on, and he just love it, but recently I read somewhere that birds should not be given cooked meat of any kind. Is that true? Please advise me because, I eat a lot of chicken and my Macaw begs for some, but I am afraid to give it to ...