Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB) in organizations is a hot topic in today's evaluation world. Web-based tools like Google Sites, Maps, Calendars, and Documents can be useful for an organization to communicate complex evaluation designs, manage large-scale implementation, and promote evaluation ...
Choose Your Foods Food Lists for Weight Management 下载积分:1000 内容提示: Podcast available onlineat www.jneb.orgNew Resources for Nutrition EducatorsBOOKLETChoose Your Foods: Food Listsfor Weight Management. WheelerM, et al. 2014. Academy of Nutritionand Dietetics/American Diabetes As-sociation, ...
1 份鮭魚炒飯約 4 份澱粉 (油脂量高) 居酒屋以烤物為主,主食量的選擇不多,餐點的選擇以海鮮類的烤物為主,如蝦子、扇貝、干貝、烤魚,油脂含量較少;另一方面,牛五花、豬五花、肥腸、雞皮或是炸物的油脂含量都比較多,建議少吃;另外,糖友也要多點一些蔬菜增加纖維量的攝取。 此外,建議有打胰島素的糖友,可...
Recently, VKool.com made a writing of the list of healthy iron rich foods for kids that are very good for the development of children. This writing is a collection of top healthy foods, fruits and vegetables for children from reliable sources. However, it is not intended to give medical a...
your ears' threshold to adding antioxidant-rich foods into your diet, here are four ways you can protect yourself against age-related hearing loss. Antioxidants have long been touted as veritable elixirs of good health and long life, and it seems that, for people who eat a diet filled with...
The fiber helps keep your intestinal tract healthy, helps lower cholesterol, and helps you feel full longer. Consuming whole grains as part of a healthy diet may reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, and some forms of cancer, and may also help with weight control. ...
reactions to a social media nutrition education intervention are useful in understanding audience psychographics toward the desired behavior, require continual efforts to monitor and manage the social media campaign, but provide an opportunity to maximize the utility of real-time interactions with your ...
If you havediabetes, what you eat can have a big impact on your health. The right diet can help steady yourblood sugar,blood pressure, andcholesterol levels. Eating well can also keep you at ahealthy weight. But it’s more than just eating the right foods and staying away from others....
Ruefenacht has had the disease for much of his life. In 1999, he almost died while training a young dog to be a guide dog for the blind. Without any warning, his blood sugar suddenly dropped to a dangerously low level. Luckily, his dog stayed with him, and t...