请选择善良。如果要在善良和正确中选择,选择善良。 When given the choices between being right or being kind,choose kind.#看电影学英语 #每天学习一点点 #英语 - 老福于20231105发布在抖音,已经收获了1017个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
点上方“蓝色字”,follow us! "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." 如果要从正确和善良中,作出选择,请选择善良。 ——Wonder 喜欢我们的内容? 就点亮下方的在看吧! 中国日报网 最近更新:04-0312:23 简介:全天候传播权威国际、国内资讯 作者最新文章 “万人筛查·千人授...
电影《奇迹男孩》中,布朗老师的九月箴言“When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose being kind”,给我们留下了很多的思考。我们为什么要选择善良? 你在日常生活中是怎么做的? 提示词语: warmth, love, help 提示问题: Why should we be kind? To be kind, what do you usually...
2When you have the___(选择)of being right or being kind, choose kind.9AU3 3When you have the ___ (选择)of being right or being kind, choose kind. 4When you have the (选择)of being right or being kind, choose kind. 5When you have the (选择)of being right or being ...
Kind of. To do the things that are necessary to Complete a job. Evolve. To include or or somebody or something. Pressure. A way of doing something that is the usual way. Procedure. Professor. Pacifism. Green hand. A person who does not have the experience. For the time being, for ...
My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. —Maya Angelou 228 It's always more important to be kind than to be right. —Rich Simmonds 216
引自第19页 Like in 《Wonder》, Mr.Brown's precept for September is "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." Life is ahead of us. If we spend too much time looking backward, we can't see where we are going !
今天是Gwen陪你早读的第 2829 天哦! 听前想一想:用英语怎么说? 1. 当给出选择/机会 2. A和B之间的选择 3. 别无选择 4. 我要后者 8.24 早读原文 When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kin...
Choose Kind 选择善良(上) There was a lot of shuffling(shuffle: v. 拖着脚走) around when the bell rangand everybody got up to leave. I checked my schedule and it said my next class wasEnglish, room 321. I didn’t stop to see if anyone else from my homeroom was goingmy way: I ...
When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind. 如果要在正确和善良之间做出选择,请选择善良。 (红色表示连读) 1. 连读 right or/raɪtɔr/ 辅音+元音 词汇讲解 1.choice/tʃɔɪs/ 名词,译为“...