請瀏覽 emirates.com 的簽證頁面,了解具體詳情。 由2016 年 4 月 29 日起,海灣合作委員會居留許可持有人抵達杜拜前,將需要申請阿聯酋簽證。 如果我的護照即將到期,我還可以旅遊嗎? 很多國家對護照到期日都有特定要求,並會清楚列明護照到期日須在你整個旅途完結後 ‑ 當然,這取決於你的原居地,以...
Military intervention began on the pretext that the Taliban government in Afghanistan harboured the terrorists responsible for the attacks of 11 September 2001, but the facts do not back this up. Of the attackers, 15 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one ...