There is but one way of escaping it. Choose life today. V.THE CONSEQUENCES OF THIS CHOICE. "Blessing or cursing, life or death." Many will find these words too stern. They are Divine. They are logical. The sinner cannot be blessed, else God would cease to be holy. There are two wa...
I call on heaven and earth as witnesses today that I have offered you life or death, blessings or curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants will live.Good News TranslationI am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I ...
Chosen,not to eternal life, but to the great office of an apostle. I chose but twelve amongst you,Matthew 10:1-4, and of those twelve one is diabolov, an accuser, or informer; a name by which the devil (who is the grand accuser of the brethren) is ordinarily expressed in holy wri...
21. and how ready he is to glorify Christ either by his life or death;27. exhorting them to unity;28. and to fortitude in persecution.Berean Study BibleBut if I go on living in the bodyThe phrase "go on living in the body" reflects the Apostle Paul's contemplation of his earthly ...