江湖传言,Excel界出了对乐高兄弟——哥哥叫CHOOSEROWS(行我拆),弟弟叫CHOOSECOLS(列我切)。他们手起刀落,VLOOKUP当场吓哭,INDEX + MATCH连夜退隐江湖。今天带你解锁这对切片狂魔的14种整人玩法,保准让老板夸你'表'里如一! 函数说明书(祖传秘方) =CHOOSEROWS(数组,行号1,[行号2],...)=CHOOSECOLS(数组,列号...
在Excel众多的函数当中,有一个函数叫做Choose函数,意为选择的意思。这个函数看似普通,但却在关键时刻有妙用,我们一起来看看吧! 函数介绍 CHOOSE函数的作用是在EXCEL中choose函数从参数列表中选择并返回一个值。 它的表达式:Choose(index_num, value1, [value2], ....
方法1—点击右上角的按钮,选择“查看公众号”,点击关注 方法2—在添加朋友中搜索excelperfect 方法3—扫一扫下面的二维码
Formula that allows you to choose random text or number values from a list or range of cells in Excel this includes returning random cell references from a range Here we will use the RANDBETWEEN funct ...
EXCEL 函数IF,CHOOSE,MATCH 2019-12-20 12:24 −对单元格的数值进行自动判断 设单元格的值为:X 0<X<60,显示为字母D 60<X<70,显示为字母C 70<=X<=85,显示为字母B 85<X<100,显示为字母A 方法一:用IF函数嵌套 =IF(A1<60,"D",IF(A1<70... ...
7.If you are putting texts as list items, you will need to put inverted commas (“text”) for the items. Otherwise, you will get a #NAME? error. 8.CHOOSE function in Excel will not return any value from a range. And will return a #VALUE! Error. ...
A CHOOSE B COLUMN C ACCRINTM D RAND 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 本题的答案是D。 当在Excel中使用函数[1]RAND()时,它会生成一个0到1之间的随机小数。每次计算时,该函数会生成一个新的随机数。 要在Excel中生成随机整数,可以结合使用RAND()函数和其他函数,如RANDBETWEEN()函数。 Excel是一种常用的...
The formula returns the second fruit (Apple) from the list ($G$5,$G$6,$G$7). Double-click on the plus sign to auto-fill the rest of the cells (see screenshot). Things to Remember You can’t use more than 254 values in this function. When the index_num is less than 1 or ...
1.常见数学运算 在单元格输入: 求和 =SUM(A1:A3)[光标选中首个单元格,再拉到末尾单元格] =SUM(A1,A2,A3)[光标选中各个相关单元格,用英...
The Excel CHOOSE function returns a value from a range (list) that is driven by a specified position. SYNTAX =CHOOSE(index_num, value1, [value2], …) ARGUMENTS index_num: (Required) The position number of the value to be returned. value1: (Required) A value that can be called upon...