DELL电脑开机时遇到“Choose an Option”对话窗,可能是由多种原因导致的。通常,这表明电脑在启动时需要选择一个操作选项,比如测试内存、测试系统硬件或直接退出。如果选择“退出”,电脑仍然无法正常启动,可能意味着硬盘的启动分区已发生变化。为了解决这个问题,你可以使用带有Win PE系统的光盘或U盘。如果...
您好:根据您的描述:Choose an option选择一个选项若您已经无法正常进入系统。建议您尝试以下方法:1.开机按F2尝试进入BIOS,按F9恢复BIOS默认设置,按F10保存退出。2.由于您没有提供机器详细型号,无法得知您的机器信息。您的机器若自带正版系统备份,建议您开机按F4进入还原界面,选择恢复或完全还原即可。...
✅ Windows 10 is stuck on “Choose an option” screen and it will not boot up into the OS:Hi…. Iam forwarding here because of a issue that is happening with windows 10, I do not know if the OS is acting up, but it has been stuck at the...
✅ Windows 11. Blue Screen - Choose an option Trouble Shoot / Turn off PC:Hi! I have a problem with my Windows 11 operating system. I turned on my computer today and was met with a blue screen telling me to choose an option,...
您好:根据您的描述,开机选择"Choose an option"后无法正常进入桌面,这可能意味着您的系统出现了问题。您可以尝试以下步骤来解决问题:首先,请尝试在开机时按F2键进入BIOS设置界面。您可以选择恢复BIOS默认设置,或者按F10保存设置并退出。这样做可能会帮助您解决一些硬件或系统配置方面的问题。其次,如果...
If your Surface turns on and the Choose an option screen appears with options like Continue and Troubleshoot, here are some solutions to try. Solution 1: Continue to Windows Select Continue to exit the options screen and continue to Windows. If Windows starts: Install the latest Surfac...
联想笔记本电脑出现choose an option界面怎么办。?那你就choose一个 option啊 有什么难的?
If your Surface turns on and the Choose an option screen appears with options like Continue and Troubleshoot, here are some solutions to try. Solution 1: Continue to Windows Select Continue to exit the options screen and continue to Windows. If Windows starts: Install the latest Surfac...