四1.【答案】随意选择任何数字。【核心短语/词汇】at random 随意,任意【解析】该题考查学生句子的翻译。“Choose”动词,选择,“any number"任意数字;“at random”随意,。故答案为随意选择任何数字。2.【答案】他们评价郎朗为一流的钢琴家。【核心短语/词汇】rank:把...分等级【解析】rank是把...分等级的意思...
2. 从定义看,select 和 pick 都是 choose 的一种,choose 是最普通用词,通常涉及决定;而 select 和 pick 通常涉及行动,且范围通常比 choose 的更小,其中 select 通常涉及较强的识别力,除非 select randomly/at random,否则通常 select 是认真地选择,比如涉及复选框的选择,而 pick 在意义上没有前两者...
1. To select from a number of possible alternatives; decide on and pick out: Which book did you choose at the library? 2. a. To prefer above others: chooses the supermarket over the neighborhood grocery store. b. To determine or decide: chose to fly rather than drive. v.intr. To...
He (choose) a random sample of people in the middle of American and asked them to send packages to a stranger in the state of Massachusetts. (所给词的适当形式填空) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 chose 【详解】 考查时态。句意:他在美国中部随机挑选了一些人,让他们把包裹寄给马萨诸塞州的...
Given a range [0, n] and a number k. The goal is to randomly choose k integers in the range where repetition is allowed in C++. For example, if n=5 and k=3 one possible set is 2, 2, 3 C++ randomly sample k numbers from range 0:n-1 (n > k) without replacement This link ...
$rand = rand( 1, $i ); $randimg = '<img src="images/random/' . $rand . '.gif" />'; } print $randimg; This works just dandy. However, I figure there must be a more efficient way to count the number of files in a directory. Is there a directory's ...
Choose, select, pick, elect, prefer indicate a decision that one or more possibilities are to be regarded more highly than others. Choose suggests a decision on one of a number of possibilities because of its apparent superiority: to choose a course of action. Select suggests a choice made ...
1. to select (a person, thing, course of action, etc) from a number of alternatives 2. (tr; takes a clause as object or an infinitive) to consider it desirable or proper: I don't choose to read that book. 3. (intr) to like; please: you may stand if you choose. 4. cannot...
2. 从定义看,select 和 pick 都是 choose 的一种,choose 是最普通用词,通常涉及决定;而 select 和 pick 通常涉及行动,且范围通常比 choose 的更小,其中 select 通常涉及较强的识别力,除非 select randomly/at random,否则通常 select 是认真地选择,比如涉及复选框的选择,而 pick 在意义上没有前两者精确,因...
How to Choose a Random Sample - ScienceDirectELSEVIERIntroductory Statistics (Third Edition)