Navigate an open-world island in an old train, upgrade it over time, and use it to fight an evil spider train named Charles.
Choo-Choo Charlesis a noveltysurvival horror gamefrom Two Star Game. Here, players will have an action-packedadventurein anopen-world island setting. The catch is you are an old train, and there is a killer train on the loose. Your task in Choo-Choo Charles is toeradicate the evil train...
Help out the settlers in return for high powered weapons, and other items vital to Charles' destruction. Fight Charles to the death. Complete the main questline, and summon Charles to a mortal duel. If you’ve gained enough strength, firepower, and skill, Charles may finally meet his matc...
Parcourez une île en monde ouvert à bord d'un vieux train, améliorez-le, puis utilisez-le pour combattre un train-araignée maléfique du nom de Charles.
小火车卡尔斯官方版游戏下载逃离恐怖小火车卡尔斯的追逐。游戏剧情非常紧张刺激,玩家需要在游戏中与小火车卡尔斯进行对决,通过手中的武器不断的射击它的弱点直到打败它才能成功获得游戏的胜利,真实的3D物理引擎,恐怖惊悚的背景音乐让玩家能够拥有更强的代入感。 小火车卡尔斯优势 1.整体操作很简单,可以开始不同的比赛...
3. Open the Choo Choo CharlesGame Following installation, you’ll find the Choo-Choo Charles icon on your phone. Simply launch the game, and it will proceed to download the necessary OBB and data files. The game will begin once the download is complete. ...
choochoocharles最新版这是恐怖游戏,中文名字叫查尔斯小火车。游戏从头到尾都被移植了。在游戏中,你将面临邪恶列车生物的追击。 你必须拿着武器,努力战斗。可以体验更多充满恐惧的要素。结束沉浸式冒险吧。 解谜效果也很好,隐藏的秘密也很多。有各种令人兴奋和有趣的冒险,大量令人兴奋的逃生战将为您提供更多精彩。感兴...
Издания: Choo-Choo Charles PS5 UAH 649,00 Choo-Choo Charles PS4 UAH 649,00 Рейтинги Choo-Choo Charles Глобальныеоценкиигроков оценки: 1868 75% 12% 6% Сведенияобигреиюридическаяинформаци...
Charles es un tren sanguinario, y debes destruirlo. Recorre un área de juego enorme en tu confiable locomotora vieja. Estas vías sinuosas son traicioneras, así que planea cuidadosamente cada misión. Ten cuidado al viajar a pie o al cambiar la direcc