The baPWV was calculated using the formula (La − Lb)/ΔTba, in which La is the distance from the heart to the ankle, Lb is the distance from the heart to the brachium, and ΔTba is the transmission time between the brachial and posterior tibial artery waveforms. Measurements were ... [2]British Heart Foundation (2011) Reducing Your Blood Cholesterol (Booklet HIS3). [3]The American Heart Association (2013) The American ...
This study was funded by UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation, and GlaxoSmithKline. Employees of GlaxoSmithKline contributed to the study design, data analysis, data interpretation, and writing of the report. Other sponsors of the study had no role in data collection...
Mo-P1:30 Total cholesterol levels of 16106 individuals in Greece. Data from a hellenic heart foundation surveydoi:10.1016/S1567-5688(06)80165-0D.J. Richter and G.K. Andrikopoulos and P.A. Cribas and S. Tzeis and D.A. Athanasias and G.S. Goumas and P.K. Toutouzas...
Hypercholesterolemia is a risk factor and is often associated with the consumption of a diet rich in lipids, a lack of exercise, hypertension, diabetes, and the consumption of great amounts of alcohol, factors that have been shown to be the primary causes of heart diseases [1,2]. ...
Publication Date: 11/01/1994 Filing Date: 10/14/1993 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Iowa State University Research Foundation, Inc. (Ames, IA) Primary Class: 424/439 Other Classes: 424/451, 424/464, 514/824, 514/838, 514/893 ...
Scottish Government, and the Northwest Regional Development Agency. It has also had funding from the Welsh Assembly Government and the British Heart Foundation. We thank the International Genomics of Alzheimer’s Project (IGAP) for providing summary results data for these analyses. The investigators ...
We acknowledge financial support from the Wellcome Trust (grants 069087/Z/02/Z) and the British Heart Foundation (grants PG/08/073/25520, PG/10/55/28467 and PG/12/50/29691), and thank Prof. D. M. Livingston (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) for p300/CRP and SRC-1 expression plasmids, ...
Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce your risk for heart disease and dementia, among other things. Additionally, this nutrient, which can be found in salmon, has been shown to raise HDL, or "good," cholesterol levels. Salmon is extremely heart-healthy, but filets aren't everyone's thing. It ...
These studies were supported by a grant from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of British Columbia and Yukon. Marilee Lougheed assisted with subcellular fractionation. Shannon Dhaliwal provided encouragement and a critical review of the manuscript.REFERENCES...