HDL cholesterol- the cholesterol in high-density lipoproteins; the `good' cholesterol; a high level in the blood is thought to lower the risk of coronary artery disease LDL cholesterol- the cholesterol in low-density lipoproteins; the `bad' cholesterol; a high level in the blood is thought to...
Cholesterin wird zum Risikofaktor für eine KHK, wenn der LDL-Spiegel im Blut zu hoch ist. 血液中的LDL胆固醇含量要是过高,胆固醇就会成为发病的危险因素,可随时诱发冠状动脉疾病。 jw2019 So wird das schützende HDL-Cholesterin vermehrt, die Fitneß gesteigert, und man erlangt größere...
Using the precipitation method with tungstic acid and MgCl 2 the HDL-cholesterol values correlated with the reference method closer than those with the heparin-MgCl 2 -precipitation method. The results of LDL-cholesterol estimations in rat serum using both precipitation methods were not satisfactory....
Different methods for the estimation of total cholesterol, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol were carried out in rat serum. Their applicability considering precision, accuracy, practicability and susceptibility to disturbances was compared with the ultracentrifugation as a reference method. The analyses were carried...
Cholesterin wird zum Risikofaktor für eine KHK, wenn der LDL-Spiegel im Blut zu hoch ist. 血液中的LDL胆固醇含量要是过高,胆固醇就会成为发病的危险因素,可随时诱发冠状动脉疾病。 jw2019 So wird das schützende HDL-Cholesterin vermehrt, die Fitneß gesteigert, und man erlangt größere...
(LDL) und Lipoproteine mit hoher Dichte (HDL). Etwa 50% bis 70% des Cholesterins, welches im Blut zirkuliert, wird als LDL befördert. Im Gegensatz dazu werden etwa 25% des Gesamtcholesterins in HDL festgestellt, wogegen VLDL den Großteil der Plasmatriglyceride und nur etwa 10% ...
und die Familiengeschichte einer prämaturen CHD, Hypercholesterinämie und besonders hohe Blutpegel des Lipoproteinen-Cholesterins niedriger Dichte (LDL), niedrige Pegel eines Lipoproteinen-Cholesterins hoher Dichte (HDL), Zigarettenrauchen, Hypertension und Diabetes tragen jeweils zum Erhöhen des...
The LDL values were determined according to Chod-Pap, Burstein et al. and HDL, cholesterol and triglycerides by colorimetric, enzymatic and precipitation tests. -Lipoproteins were determined partly according to Watson and partly by lipid electrophoresis; the differences obtained by the two methods were...
Independently of age, the physically active tended to have a reduced LDL-cholesterol, the reduction was statistically significant in some events. No relationship was apparent between the type of physical activity and the magnitude of the LDL-cholesterol reduction. In the sportsmen HDL-cholesterol ...
LDL-Cholesterin...Traindl OVerlag Krause und Pachernegg GmbHJournal Für KardiologieTRAINDL, O. (2005): Was verursacht die KHK? LDL- oder HDL-Cholesterin. Journal fur Kardiologie 2005, 12 (Supplementum C), 10-11Traindl O. Was verursacht KHK? LDL- oder HDL-Cholesterin. J Kardiol 2005...