Cholera is caused by the bacteriumVibrio cholerae. This bacterium is Gram-stain-negative, comma-shaped, and has a flagellum (a long, tapering, projecting part) for motility and pili (hairlike structures) used to attach to tissue. Although many V. cholerae serotypes can produce cholera symptoms...
If your doctor thinks you have cholera, they will ask about symptoms and take a sample of your poop to test for theVibrio choleraebacteria.Getting a stool sample can confirm you have cholera and help reduce the chances of it spreading to other people. Cholera Treatment If you develop severe,...
SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT OF THE MALIGNANT CHOLERAdoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(02)94506-XE.C.JenkinsandS.JosephAltmanandJamesFairbankandSDOSLancet
When should I seek treatment There are a number of factors indicating that you should seek treatment, including the following symptoms: Severe, watery vomiting and diarrhea: Once the vibrio cholerae bacteria ingests in the human intestines, it causes severe diarrhea and vomiting. The diarrhea and...
Symptoms andtreatment Cholera is marked by the sudden onset of profuse, watery diarrhea, typically after an incubation period of 12 to 28 hours. The fluid stools, commonly referred to as “rice water” stools, often contain flecks ofmucus. The diarrhea is frequently accompanied byvomiting, and ...
Cholera Symptoms The characteristicsymptoms of severe choleraare huge volumes of explosive watery diarrhea that sometimes is called "rice water stools" (because it resembles water that has been used to wash rice), vomiting, and leg cramps. The rapid loss of fluids—as much as 20 liters per da...
one health worker, in the st Marc area patients are now seeking treatment at the first sign of symptoms, when beating cholera is easier.───一名医护工作者表示,治疗霍乱的最佳时期是症状最初出现的时候,圣马克地区的患者们正在寻求及时治疗。
1、Cholera,(霍乱),Emphases!,Pathogenesis 发病机制,Clinical Manifestations 临床表现,Treatment治疗,Conception,Cholera is an infectious gastroenteritis caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The infection is often mild or without symptoms, but sometimes it can be severe. Approximately one in 20 infected...
Antibiotics:Rehydration is the cornerstone of cholera treatment, but antibiotics can reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. They are particularly useful in severe cases and for patients with a high risk of spreading the infection. Zinc supplements:These supplements can reduce the duration and ...
作者: M Dorset 摘要: Report discussing the disease hog cholera, including its causes, symptoms, and diagnosis. Also discusses diseases which may be mistaken for hog cholera and methods of prevention and treatment. 关键词: hog cholera methods of disease control 年份: 1909 收藏...