Choices That Matter: And The Sun Went Out Digital Regular Price:$5.99 Direct download Free shippingon orders $50 or more.Restrictions apply. EarnMy Nintendo Pointson digital games Store Games Choices That Matter: And The Sun Went Out
购买Choices That Matter: And The Sun Went Out ¥ 26.00 添加至购物车 JOIN THE COMMUNITY 关于这款游戏 Approximately 600,000 words and 2,400 choices in total! And The Sun Went Outis the first epic text adventure game in theChoices That Matterseries. ...
"What’s really innovative about Choices...unlike traditional gamebooks that have a definite end, Choices: And the Sun Went Out is a continuing gamebook that will be updated weekly, allowing you to progress through the story over time. As you make choices in your story, it will advance in...
Is there such a thing as a lesser evil? You don’t know where you’ll end up: “Beholder” is a game of multiple endings. Although you’ll always have enough information to make a wise decision, there will always be something about you which you might be unaware. “Beholder” is no ...
Story-driven games are fun, but they're even more fun when your choices actually matter. Here's a list of the best games where your choices matter.
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Hello everyone. This is my first thread and first time making a game so please I really need help with this :D I'm working on a ''open world'' game within one simple map of a town. The game is basically 5 levels that are variations of the same map (eg in the first level, the...
It's been a while since a game has caught my interest only to completely lose me completely like Choices: Stories You Play has. What started out as a promising collection of choose-your-own-adventure stories with a bit of 'your choices matter' thrown in quickly turned into an obnoxious me...
Primary Name Steam Awards The Choices Matter Alternate Names Website wrong website? Award Steam Awards Fans: 0 Become a Fan Customize View ObjectID: 46331 Description Edit | History Games are about agency, and this award is for the game that has it in spades. Maybe it’s because the...
This page contains the choices in Immortal Desires, Book 1 and their outcomes. This game revolves around choices you make. They can improve or decrease relationships with the characters. This walkthrough is made to assist others in helping them make thei