situation beforelettingsaremade after completion of the shopping centre. 房屋署 會 在商場興建期間留意所訂的行 業 組合是 否恰當, 並在商場接近竣工但未招租前,再因應最新的 市 場情況作出調整。 ...
Announcement of the letting pilots by the Department for Transport; Involvement of local authorities and registered social landlords; Process of specifying and procuring ICT system.MerrickNeilPublic Finance
Policy transfer of choice-based lettings to Britain and Australia:How extensive?How faithful?How appropriate?. Pawson H,K Hulse. European Journal of Housing Policy . 2011Pawson H,K Hulse.Policy transfer of choice-based lettings to Britain and Australia:How extensive?How faithful?How appropriate?....
HousingAssociationsImmigration policyRefugee Housing Association (RHA) has provided housing and support for refugees and asylum seekers across the UK for nearly 50 years. The past decade has seen four major pieces of immigration and asylum legislation, substantially changing the entitlements and needs of...