Gently touch with slightly hot spoon to seal. Drizzle melted white chocolate and decorate with multi sprinkles. Can be stored for up to 2 weeks in refrigerator. To make hot chocolate,in a mug or glass,add hot milk then add a chocolate bomb & stir. Sip & enjoy! Recipe By: Seema Hanif...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock this fall, you have probably heard about the latest trend in hot chocolate or hot cocoa, the hot chocolate bomb! They are simply a molded chocolate shape (typically round), that can be filled with pretty much anything your heart desires. You melt ...
热巧克力球 Hot Chocolate Bomb的做法步骤 步骤1 热巧克力粉用的是左边的这个牌子 在瑞士很常见 步骤2 小火慢慢融化巧克力 步骤3 倒入模具中,如果温度过高 巧克力可能太稀挂不住,稍微等凉一些再涂满模具一层 步骤4 涂完晾凉的状态 步骤5 冰箱冷冻半小时 展开全部 步骤6 步骤6 慢慢取出来,如果太薄,可能会碎 ...
Hot Chocolate BombsHot chocolate bombs are a delightful and interactive way to make a mug of hot chocolate. The “bomb” is placed in a mug, and hot milk is poured over it creating a delicious and visually appealing hot chocolate drink....
When you pour hot milk over these hot chocolate bombs, they melt and magically release the marshmallows and cocoa hiding inside.
🍫Hot Chocolate Bomb热巧克力炸弹 #材料 黑巧克力60克 阿华田1条 棉花糖1包 糖珠一小把 (可做直径4.5cm小球四个) #做法 ❶巧克力掰碎后,隔热水融化。 ❷均匀抹于半球形模具内壁,可以借助勺子,可以稍微抹厚一点点。 ❸冷藏15-30分钟定型,然后取出轻轻脱模。
Naughty Hot Chocolate Bomb - Naughty or Nice, these Hot Cocklates are bound to bring a smile to your face! This is the perfect gift for anyone with a great sense of humor and who loves a mug of hap-penis.
Deal with the quality of 3 piece hot chocolate bomb mold: It is important for you to deal with the best quality when it comes to3 piece hot chocolate bomb moldas you want the items to last the longest. We know that and we take special care towards the quality of our molds. ...
To serve, place the chocolate bomb in the bottom of an empty mug. Heat milk on the stovetop until steaming, but not boiling.Carefully pour the hot milk on top of the chocolate bomb in your mug. The cocoa bombs should “explode” when the milk melts the chocolate....
We have the premium quality 3 piece hot chocolate bomb mold for you As understood from the name itself, the main goal is to procure the best 3 chocolate pieces at the same time Join us for the best experience of hot chocolate molds and you won’t regret making this decision of procuring...