Welcome to Caribeans Coffee Shop and OrganicChocolateFactory. We are located in the tropical paradise of the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica. Our coffee is grown high in the mountains where liquid sunshine and cool breezes develop the best flavors in the bean. We fresh roast daily and serve our...
March 12 at 4.30pm and March 25 at 2.30pm.Cake decoratingCAKE decorating has taken off on the Sunshine Coast.How To Cook, at Cotton Tree, attributes more than a third of its turnover to cake decorating stock, up from nothing in 2005.It's so popular that How To Cook has launched an ...
Edmond Browne continues to lead the company and was there to show us around the plantation as part of the Grenada Chocolate Fest. The chocolate factory is actually just a normal house painted lime, orange and turquoise. Each of the rooms houses a different piece of machinery. At the window ...
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