Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass-ScopeProcess-Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) AI代码助手复制代码 一旦Chocolatey安装完毕,请转到下一步。 第2步:Choco安装Visual Studio Code 现在再次,在命令提示符或Powershell中,无论你使用什么; 键入或复制粘贴...
##Install-ChocolateyZipPackage $packageName $url $toolsDir [$url64 -checksum $checksum -checksumType $checksumType -checksum64 $checksum64 -checksumType64 $checksumType64] ## Install Visual Studio Package - #Install-...
I'd suggest asking on chat if you need further help, Or opening a separate discussion. joel-schaal reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍 Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link Member paubycommentedAug 25, 2023
将下载好的SDK 压缩包解压到本机电脑,本文示例目录为 C:\SimpleNES-master\SFML-2.5.1 使用Visual Studio 新建一个空项目,设置工程属性选项,在菜单栏的 项目下,SimpleNES 属性 第一步:选择 配置属性 → C/C++ → 附加包含目录中将 SFML 的头文件目录包含:C:\SimpleNES-master\SFML-2.5.1\include 第二步:选择...
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) 一旦Chocolatey安装完毕,请转到下一步。 第2步:Choco安装Visual Studio Code 现在再次,在命令提示符或Powershell中,无论你使用什么; 键入或复制粘贴以下命令,以便在... PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''...
I had pushed both mlpack and armadillo to the choco community repository. Except for armadillo, both boost and cmake are on the choco community repository already. So I created a package for armadillo as well. Since @rcurtin you are one of the authors of armadillo, I assume I can create...
What's even better is that the community feed has already been enhanced to look for these values. So have the templates from choco new. And it's backwards compatible, meaning you can still install packages that have these added nuspec enhancements without issue (but we will need to provide ...
chocolatey-visualstudio.extension 1.11.0 chocolatey-vscode 0.7.2 chocolatey-vscode.extension 1.1.0 chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension 1.0.5 choco-package-list-backup 2023.6.2 clamwin clink 0.4.9 cmake 3.26.4 cmake.install 3.26.4
使用Visual Studio 新建一个空项目,设置工程属性选项,在菜单栏的 项目下,SimpleNES 属性 第一步:选择 配置属性 → C/C++ → 附加包含目录中将 SFML 的头文件目录包含:C:\SimpleNES-master\SFML-2.5.1\include 第二步:选择 配置属性 → 链接器 → 附加库目录中将 SFML 的静态库目录包含:C:\SimpleNES-master\...