Checklist I have verified this is the correct repository for opening this issue. I have verified no other issues exist related to my problem. I have verified this is not an issue for a specific package. I have verified this issue is not ...
directly into the tools folder, use `$fileLocation` (`$file`/ `$file64`) and `Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage`/ `Get-ChocolateyUnzip` in tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1. Additionally, fill out the LICENSE and VERIFICATION file (see 3 below and those files for specifics). NOTE: You can choose...
subject would be the package names, e.g. choco install pkg1 pkg2. - Never use 'nupkg' or point directly to a nupkg file UNLESS using 'choco push'. Use the source folder instead, e.g. `choco install <package id> --source="'c:\folder\with\package'"` instead of choco install DoNo...
$commandOutput | %{ Convert-CommandText($_) } | %{ Convert-CommandReferenceSpecific($_) } | Out-File $fileName -Encoding UTF8 -Force } function Move-GeneratedFiles { if(-not(Test-Path "$docsFolder\create\commands")){ mkdir "$docsFolder\create\commands" -EA Continue | Out-Null ...
Checklist I have verified this is the correct repository for opening this issue. I have verified no other issues exist related to my problem. I have verified this is not an issue for a specific package. I have verified this issue is not ...
VERBOSE: [dominos-web]: [[cChocoInstaller]Install] Env:ChocolateyInstall has C:\Choco VERBOSE: [dominos-web]: [[cChocoInstaller]Install] Downloading\Choco\install.ps1 That should be downloaded elsewhere, not to the folder where the installation is. So yeah...
choco.exe logs to a file in$env:ChocolateyInstall\log\. You can grab the specific log output from there so you don't have to capture or redirect screen output. Please limit the amount included to just the command run (the log is appended to with every command). ...
Use this folder to store your JS files which are specific to your project but don’t have their place in the app folder. If this is a library that can be used by other projects, you should use Jim instead. script¶↑ This folder contains the choco script file. It brings you a few...
You may need to shut down and restart powershell and/or consoles first prior to using choco. Ensuring Chocolatey commands are on the path Ensuring chocolatey.nupkg is in the lib folder PS C:\> choco install -y git --params "'/GitOnlyOnPath /NoAutoCrlf /WindowsTerminal /NoShellIntegration...