Linux systems; seeInstall .NET on Linux Mac systems; seeInstall .NET on macOS This is required for some Dotnet Global Tools used during the Cake build. The .NET Frameworks equivalent builds do not work on Mono. If building from Git, then having Git 2.22+ installed is required. ...
ncrunch-vs2022 4.16.4 netfx-4.7.2 4.7.2 notepadplusplus 8.5.4 notepadplusplus.install 8.5.4 notion 2.0.49 nvm 1.1.9 nvm.install 1.1.11 PDFXchangeEditor poshgit powershell-core 7.3.6 ReSharper 2023.1.4 resharper-platform 232.0.20230730.152252 slack 4.32.127 sysinternals ...
Linux systems; see Install .NET on Linux Mac systems; see Install .NET on macOS This is required for some Dotnet Global Tools used during the Cake build. The .NET Frameworks equivalent builds do not work on Mono. If building from Git, then having Git 2.22+ installed is required. MonoDevel...