Haven't tested it, but I think you could install the dependencies armadillo + boost + cmake via choco and manually build mlpack afterwards. Author buddha314 commented Dec 5, 2018 These instructions are pretty intimidating: https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/wiki/WindowsBuild for a guy like me...
cmakeimagemagickccleanerautohotkey.portable 辅助 网易有道词典有道云笔记迅雷极速版lanternwpsscreenToGifAppium 模拟器 夜神模拟器mumu模拟器靠谱助手 可以使用 choco 命令实现处理资源自动初始化安装。 参考以下实现: echo 'Start install sources...' Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-...
nodejs.ps1 # 利用 nvm 以下方式自动安装 nodejs 环境echo'Install nodejs...'$Env:NVM_HOME="C:\ProgramData\nvm"$Env:Path=$Env:Path+";%NVM_HOME%;C:\ProgramData\nvm"$Env:Path=$Env:Path+";C:\Program Files\nodejs"$Env:Path=$Env:Path+";%NVM_SYMLINK%;C:\Program Files\nodejs"nvm ins...
Perform a fresh install of Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit in a VM running under Oracle VirtualBox 5.1.6, with Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS x64 as the host OS. Make sure the VM has at least 4GB of RAM allotted to it. Set Windows Update to check for updates, but ask you before downloading...
While cyber criminals try to make their lure emails look trustworthy, here are some things that you should look for when trying to spot a phishing email: Check the sender's ("from") email address: Hover your mouse over the "from" address and check if it's legitimate. For example, if ...
这可以使用 通过choco install docfx -y Windows版 choco install docfx -y 通过brew install docfx用于macOS的 或者,您可以从下载最新版本的docfx.zip ,将其压缩到本地目录,然后将该目录添加到PATH以便您可以在任何地方运行它。 设置DNN Docs项目 安装DocFX之后,下一步是将该存储库从GitHub派生到您自己的GitHub存储...
Install the latest PowerShell for new features and improvements! https://aka.ms/PSWindows PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net....
choco uninstall git Chocolatey v2.1.0 Uninstalling the following packages: git You are uninstalling git, which is likely a metapackage for an *.install/*.portable package that it installed (git represents discoverability). For the question below, you have 20 seconds to make a selection. Would ...
The agent service allows for things like background mode, setting up maintenance windows (future), and hooking up to Chocolatey Central Management (future).To be able to install it, you must first have the licensed edition properly installed. Once you have verified your install, you can run ...
Chocolatey - the package manager for Windows. Contribute to chocolatey/choco development by creating an account on GitHub.