V6的一些图片(来源于官网):注意调整一些Optifine的选项:Old Lighting : OFF or DEFAULT! //旧版光照:调成“关闭”或者“原版”Vignette : Fast //镜头边角遮蔽:调成“快速”Clear water : Off for Lite/Low/Medium, On for High/Ultra/Extreme//清澈水质:如果光影选项调成“Lite/Low/Medium”就把选项关掉;...
Chocapic13 V5 Extreme 白天 夜晚 Chocapic13 V5 TEST Ultra 白天 夜晚 Chocapic13 V5TEST FIX1 Extreme 白天 夜晚 Chocapic13 V6 Extreme 白天 夜晚 Chocapic13 V8 Ultra 白天 夜晚 Chocapic13 V9.1 Extreme BETa 5 白天 夜晚 Chocapic13 - ge v2.0 RC10 白天 夜晚 Chroma oopsherewegoagain 15 白天 夜晚 CL...
CinematicExtreme Create more cinematic and visually-stunning scenes in the game. CustomizationNone Customize various aspects of the game's visual effects. Depth of FieldMedium Making objects closer to the camera appear sharp and in focus, while objects farther away appear out of focus and blurry. ...
V6 should run on every minecraft version V7, V8 and V9 requires at least Optifine for 1.12 There is no in-game options in order to switch between presets because each preset has specific optimizations that can't be enabled with the current shader option API ...
V6的一些图片(来源于官网):注意调整一些Optifine的选项:Old Lighting : OFF or DEFAULT! //旧版光照:调成“关闭”或者“原版”Vignette : Fast //镜头边角遮蔽:调成“快速”Clear water : Off for Lite/Low/Medium, On for High/Ultra/Extreme//清澈水质:如果光影选项调成“Lite/Low/Medium”就把选项关掉;...
Download Chocapic13 Shaders V7– Unzip the file and choose extreme, ultra, high, medium, low, lite, or toaster. Download Chocapic13 Shaders V6– Unzip the file and choose extreme, ultra, high, medium, low, lite, or toaster. Chocapic13 High Performance (Java Edition): ...
This shader is part of the Chocapic13 V6 shaderpack collection. If you've got a more powerful PC, you can try out the medium, high, ultra, or extreme version of this pack for a more realistic gameplay experience. Download links for this shaderpack are available below. ...
(你们如果是用 Optifine / Optifabric / Oculus 也可以用这些光影,都一样的) 游戏设置:见截图 光影测试名单: 关闭光影 BSL_V8.2 Low Chocapic13_V9_Low Chocapic13_V9_Medium Chocapic13_V9_High Chocapic13_V9_Extreme Chocapic13_V9_Ultra ComplementaryReimagined_r1.3.2 ...
Chocapic13_V9.1_Extreme_beta_5.zip BetaB 1.19.2 Feb 28, 2021 Chocapic13_V9.1_Extreme_PBRtest2 (2).zip AlphaA 1.19.2 Feb 28, 2021 Minecraft 1.18 Chocapic13 V9 (Unzip file) ReleaseR 1.20.1 Sep 18, 2020 Chocapic13_V9.1_Extreme_beta_5.zip BetaB 1.19.2 Feb 28, 2021 Chocapic13_V9.1...