简介:处理器麒麟985 启动器HMCLPE 启动方式选pojav,;已有142名我的世界玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 20251、弹幕量 4
手机hmclpe带Chocapic13 V6 Medium光影发布人 配置天玑1200,因为加了更好的树叶所以会比较卡,不加的话60-70帧左右 打开封面 下载高清视频 观看高清视频 视频下载器 【我的世界光影展示】超低配光影Chocapic13 V6 Lite 1080p 60FPS fcl光影装入教学 手机运行java低配光影的神photon-main 【HMCLPE/光影】...
LightMedium Enhance the game's overall visual quality. Motion BlurHigh Simulates the way that fast-moving objects appear to blur in the real world.🔧 Shader Options 👉 Spotlight Show all features Chocapic13’s Shaders allow you to change more than 149 settings to suit your needs. Settings...
Download (Direct):Chocapic13-Beta-20V6-Medium.zip Chocapic13’s Shaders Guidelines for Installation : Have the newest driver of your graphics card. Then be sure that you have Shaders Mod by Karyonix. After that install the required version of Forge API. ...
This mod comes with several beta versions to browse as well as 5 different levels of the finished mod; Extreme, Ultra, High, Medium, and Low. Each step up takes more GPU and CPU power to render correctly, with choppiness if your computer can’t handle it, so keep that in mind. Video...
您提到的“chocapic13 v6”可能指的是一个由用户Chocapic13制作并分享的MATLAB项目压缩包,或者是在游戏《我的世界》中广泛使用的一个光影材质包版本。 如果是MATLAB项目: 该项目可能涉及MATLAB编程、GPU编程、3D渲染和可视化等知识点,难度级别为Medium,适合有一定编程基础的用户学习。 项目中可能包含名为“shaders”的...
V6的一些图片(来源于官网):注意调整一些Optifine的选项:Old Lighting : OFF or DEFAULT! //旧版光照:调成“关闭”或者“原版”Vignette : Fast //镜头边角遮蔽:调成“快速”Clear water : Off for Lite/Low/Medium, On for High/Ultra/Extreme//清澈水质:如果光影选项调成“Lite/Low/Medium”就把选项关掉;...
Download Chocapic13 Shaders V7– Unzip the file and choose extreme, ultra, high, medium, low, lite, or toaster. Download Chocapic13 Shaders V6– Unzip the file and choose extreme, ultra, high, medium, low, lite, or toaster. Chocapic13 High Performance (Java Edition): ...
V6的一些图片(来源于官网):注意调整一些Optifine的选项:Old Lighting : OFF or DEFAULT! //旧版光照:调成“关闭”或者“原版”Vignette : Fast //镜头边角遮蔽:调成“快速”Clear water : Off for Lite/Low/Medium, On for High/Ultra/Extreme//清澈水质:如果光影选项调成“Lite/Low/Medium”就把选项关掉;...
This shader is part of the Chocapic13 V6 shaderpack collection. If you've got a more powerful PC, you can try out the medium, high, ultra, or extreme version of this pack for a more realistic gameplay experience. Download links for this shaderpack are available below. ...