CHOCAPIC®, the renowned cereal brand, aims to be known as the go-to choice for children by blending pleasure with social and sustainable responsibility. To fulfill this ambition, the brand partnered with FutureBrand Paris to redefine its visual identity and packaging. Designed to reconnect ...
Chocapic13’s Shaders mod is the baseline for many other shader packs out there, as you can learn just from checking a number of shader pack pages in
光影尝鲜——Choc..Chocapic13是一个历史悠久的光影,最早在Shaders Core刚发布不久就出现了,因其宽松的开源协议,绚丽的画质,以及相对较低的性能需求,一直深受用户喜爱。从2014年至今,Chocapic
Oh, and one more thing to note – while Chocapic13 shaders work like a charm with most texture packs,custom skiesmight not always be supported. So, if you want the shaders to work their magic, stick to the default sky or sky textures that are compatible with the pack. Now that we’...
喜欢Chocapic13却嫌它的云看起来不够高级?高配体积云也能轻松调出来!【Minecraft光影着色器调教方案分享】 9.0万 11 02:28 App Photon最适合生存的参数!清新淡雅护眼 防止审美疲劳!【MC光影调教方案分享】 6.0万 14 01:31 App 低配的最终答案“BLISS” 2.4万 10 01:59 App photon 低配的神 7.7万 22 00:...
来自Chocapic13 V7.1 Lite的视觉冲击(低配之神 内有下载链接无网盘)#我的世界光影推荐 中国的小Creeper 6581 4 00:51 超级超级低配光影,远古亮机卡都能60fps并且效果不错的光影,低端卡福利 红光RedLightSaMa 2.6万 22 01:59 photon 低配的神 lr总司令 2.4万 10 02:35 [我的世界]4款超级低...
01月04日漏签0天 mc光影吧 关注:8,587贴子:130,338 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 玩乐 1 2 3 下一页 尾页 73回复贴,共3页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回mc光影吧【水贴】Chocapic13光影汉化 只看楼主收藏回复 超级rgre 晦迹韬光 9 1楼先上图(图片来源:@T-N-A-S) 送TA礼物 1楼2020-04-25 20:33回...
Chocapic13..没错,Chocapic13系列着色器距离上次更新数月后又在论坛上发放了开发板这次的最新版本是V7 Beta1相比于之前的版本提升还是挺大的主要改变的有整体的调色,沿袭上一个版本,走真实风格,这次把之前
我的世界chocapic13光影包 v9.1 beta版 我的世界chocapic13光影包拥有极高的人气,通过加载到我的世界游戏中,玩家可以体验其高品质的光影效果、动态天气抗锯齿等优化,让您的游戏画质极大的提升,并且配置要求不高,值得尝试。 chocapic13光影介绍: 与许多轻量级着色器包不同,即使在尽可能低的预设下,这个着色器包也试图...
If you want to support me making this shader (and can afford it) you can do a small donation which is always highly appreciated ! :) There's no super fancy "premium only" raytraced stuff planned for the future because i want this shader to be available to everyone, you don't earn ...