the cells with both labelled nucleus and nucleomorph were observed at low frequency (Fig.4c). In contrast to the nucleus, EdU-labelled nucleomorph was observed at hour 6–18 and the frequency peaked at hour 10–12 (Fig.4c). These results suggest that nucleo...
Chain G in the structural model corresponds to Toc34 (labelled as G). Extended Data Fig. 5 The cryo-EM densities in the cytoplasmic region above the TOC complex and the structure of Ctap4. a, The cryo-EM map of TOC-TIC supercomplex filtered through the Gaussian filter. The contour ...
Second generation sequencing has permitted detailed sequence characterisation at the whole genome level of a growing number of non-model organisms, but the data produced have short read-lengths and biased genome coverage leading to fragmented genome assemblies. The PacBio RS long-read sequencing platfor...
Uptake studies with radioactively labelled [α32P]-ATP, [α32P]-ADP, or [14C]-AMP in intact bacterial cells harbouring the OsBT1-3 protein revealed the time-linear import of these nucleotides over a 5 min period. By contrast, non-inducedE. colicells without the OsBT1-3 protein importe...
For calculation of Ca2 þ and Mg2 þ dissociation constants, the ratio between the fluorescence of the fluorescently labelled protein before and after the ther- mophoretic movement was determined at increasing cation concentrations (Fig. 1a). An increase in Mg2 þ concentration did not change ...
2.4. Visualisation of the Boundary Variations The visualisation diagram of the junctions within the nine chloroplast genomes was drawn manually based on the results of annotation by checking the size and position of the border-flanking genes, as well as the length of LSC, SSC and IRs in each ...