By definition, a chloroplast is an organelle in plant cells that allows them to produce energy. An organelle is a membrane-bound structure within a cell that has a specific function. (If a person were a cell, their "organelles" would be their organs.) Cellular energy, or ATP (adenosine ...
Which structure is found in plant cells but not animal cells? a) Cell wall b) Chloroplast c) Plastid d) Central vacuole e) Lysosomes. Plant and Animal Cells: Both plant and animal cells are eukaryotic cells and have a lot in...
Chloroplast is a type of subcellular organelle in green plants and algae. It is the main subcellular organelle for conducting photosynthetic process. The p
Chloroplast (cp) is an important semi-autonomous organelle in plant cells with a complete genetic system and its genetic information is called chloroplast genome. The cp genomes in general are inherited uniparentally, and maternally in most angiosperms species at a slower evolutionary rate of change ...
As long as only colorless cell structures are involved (as in animal cells), their movement is not so obvious. However, the plastids of plant cells, which because of their color can be observed in the microscope even at low magnification and under low-intensity illumination, can provide an ...
The photosynthesis refers to the process through with the plant synthesize its food, and it occurs in a double membrane-bound organelle is known as chloroplast. Chloroplast are found in plant cells and some photosynthetic algae. The leaf of the plant is know...
Unlike the nuclear genome, in which copies of both male and female parents are inherited through sexual reproduction, these genomes are usually maternally inherited, with exceptions in some plant species. From a collection of rose BAC clones, four clones have been identified that collectively cover ...
The cells of higher organisms contain highly differentiated bodies or organelles, each of which is delimited from the surrounding cytoplasm by an outer membrane. Organelles carry out specialized cellular functions; they possess complex and unique interna
The innermost membrane in a chloroplast is the ___ membrane. Chloroplast: Chloroplast refers to a cell organelle that is present in the eukaryotic algae and plant cells. It plays an important role in producing carbohydrates (glucose) for the plant. Chloroplasts enable the plant cells to convert...
Calendula officinalis a versatile medicinal plant with numerous applications in various fields. However, its chloroplast genome structure, features, phylogeny, and patterns of evolution and mutation remain largely unexplored. This study examines the