Chloroplastsareorganellesspecializing in the conversion of radiant energy to chemical energy. The chloroplast is involved inphotosynthesisand consequently cells that contain chloroplasts are autotrophic, which means that they are able to make their own food from inorganic molecules by using the radiant ener...
Photosynthesis occurs ineukaryotic cellstructures called chloroplasts. A chloroplast is a type ofplant cellorganelle known as a plastid. Plastids assist in storing and harvesting needed substances for energy production. A chloroplast contains a green pigment calledchlorophyll, which absorbs light energy for...
Both of these algae contain 尾-carotene and chlorophyll a but the xanthophylls are not identical. Chlorobotrys regularis has violaxanthin as the major xanthophyll with vaucheriaxanthin-ester and a small amount of a pigment which could be neoxanthin, whilst Ophiocytium majus contains diadinoxanthin ...
of the chloroplast pigments of Pleurochloris commutata Pascher, Pleurochloris magna Boye Petersen, Polyedriella helvetica Vischer et Pascher and Vischeria stellata (Poulton) Pascher by several chromatographic methods has confirmed that they all contain violaxanthin as their major xanthophyll pigment. All...
Chromoplasts are pigmented plastids. They impart a variety of colours to plant cells. They contain carotenoids but lack chlorophyll.
an intracellular organelle (plastid) of the plant cell, in which photosynthesis occurs. Chloroplasts are green in color because of the presence of chlorophyll, the main pigment of photosynthesis. Their principal function, the capture and transformation of light energy, is also reflected in the unique...
Similar to cytosolic counterpart, chloroplasts contain a ribosome associated pool of cpSRP54 which plays a crucial role in transport of some thylakoidmembrane proteins(Schuenemann et al., 1998). The cytosolic SRP contacts the ribosome close to the peptide exit tunnel. In contrast to that, a photo...
Chlorophyll, the primary pigment used in photosynthesis, reflects green light and absorbs red and blue light most strongly. In plants, photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts, which contain the chlorophyll. Chloroplasts are surrounded by a double membrane and contain a third inner membrane, called ...
This additive effect indicated that NFZ and crtiso generate different signals, neither of which affected the level of the stress pigment zeaxanthin that remained higher in younger leaves, irrespective of the treatment or genotype. It seems likely that the cis-ACS produced by crtiso and retrograde ...
The green plants (Viridiplantae) are an ancient group of eukaryotes comprising two main clades: the Chlorophyta, which includes a wide diversity of green algae and the Streptophyta, which consists of freshwater green algae and the land plants. The early-diverging lineages of the Viridiplantae compr...