Oxidising agents have been used sucessfully to remove dental stain in animals, but products and regimens have not been evaluated in humans. These pilot studies in vitro and in vivo assessed a long‐established oxidising mouthwash, based on peroxyborate, for stain removal from teeth and acrylic....
Then, place appropriate volume of the oral solution into the mouth, swish for 30 seconds, and expectorate the solution.Instruct patients to not rinse with water or other mouthwashes and to not brush their teeth or eat immediately after using the topical oral solution.Subgingival...
Patients should be instructed to not rinse with water, or other mouthwashes, brush teeth, or eat immediately after using chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse. Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is not intended for ingestion and should be expectorated after rinsing. HOW SUPPLIED: Chlorhexidine gluconate ...
Port.: Septus; S.Afr.: Cepacol; Universal Throat Lollies; Singapore: Cepacol; Spain: Angifonil†; Thai.: Cepacol; Orasept; Turk.: Aseptol; Penipastil; UK: Listermint; Merocets; USA: Cepacol Mouthwash; Cepacol Throat; Choice DM Gentle Care; Scope; Venez.: Cepacol; Tablibut†. Mu...
Oxidising agents have been used sucessfully to remove dental stain in animals, but products and regimens have not been evaluated in humans. These pilot studies in vitro and in vivo assessed a long-established oxidising mouthwash, based on peroxyborate, for stain removal from teeth and acrylic....
While Epimax mouthrinse caused severe stains on the teeth, Hexidine mouthrinse caused burning mouth. Conclusion: Although Epimax mouthwash did not show any side effects, it was less suitable and caused more dental stain. Ethanol-free Hexidine mouthwash seems to be more proper for gingivitis, ...
especially if they use mouthwashes. However, there are other beverages (e.g., wine and coke) where the addition of milk is not preferable; instead, it can be used before or after. Additionally, the question of how mouthwash users can benefit from the whitening effect of milk can be con...