chlamydiae [klə'midii:] 释义 [医]〔单chlamydia〕衣原体 行业词典 医学 〔单chlamydia〕衣原体
鸟疫病俗称“单眼伤风”,是由披衣菌(Chlamydiae)引起之散发性传染病,广泛地流行于世界各地,公棚是发病重灾区,每年的5~7月,10~12月为发病高潮。 一、病源 衣原体属已确认两个种,鹦鹉热衣原体和沙眼衣原体。赛鸽衣原体病是由衣原体目、衣原体科、衣原体属的鹦鹉热衣原体,引起的非鹦鹉禽类的一种全身性、接触性传染病。
单词 chlamydiae 释义 chlamydiae /kləˈmɪdɪiː/ npl. 【病理】衣原体疾病 随便看 methodology methods methods methomania methotrexate methotrexates methought methought methoxide methoxy methoxybenzene methoxychlor methoxychlors methoxyflurane methoxyfluranes methoxyl meths meths meths drinker ...
Chlamydiae [医]衣原体 ae United Arab Emirates , 阿联酋 AE 应用实体 Haemogregarinidae 血簇科 chaetae chaeta的复数 Cryptochaetidae 隐毛蝇科 Palaeoryctidae 古掘猬科 Elaeagnaceae 胡颓子科 Phaeodictyosporae 暗色砖格孢子类 Phaeophragmiae 暗色多隔孢子类 最新单词 exposal的中文释义 a...
The meaning of CHLAMYDIA is any of a genus (Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae) of spherical gram-negative intracellular bacteria; especially : one (C. trachomatis) that causes or is associated with various diseases of the eye and urogenital tract including
Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromchlamydiae) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to chlamydiae:Chlamydia trachomatis,Chlorobi chla·myd·i·a (klə-mĭd′ē-ə)·myd·i·ae(-ē-ē′) 1.Any of various gram-negative, coccoid bacteria of the genusChlamydia,espe...
衣原体(Chlamydiae)第21章衣原体(Chlamydiae)一、生物学性状1.发育周期 原体(EB),小而致密的颗粒结构。呈球形、椭圆形或梨形。是发育成熟的衣原体,为细胞外形式,有强感染性,无繁殖能力。网状体(RB),又称始体,大而疏松的颗粒结构,呈球形或椭圆形。为细胞内形式,有繁殖能力,无感染性。包涵体易感细胞...
Chlamydiae [医]衣原体相关短语 Agraffe (盔甲衣服上的) 搭扣 stability calculation (整体) 稳定性计算 soft tissue (人体) 软组织 anisodesmic structure(晶体) 异键结构 zonal growth (晶体的) 带状成长 mantle (软体动物) 套模 virgin medium (媒体) 未用介质 low form (晶体) 低温型 low to the ground ...
Interaction of chlamydiae and host cells in vitro. New knowledge of chlamydiae and the diseases they cause. Illuminating the evolutionary history of chlamydiae. Persistent chlamydiae: from cell culture to a paradigm for chlamydial pathogenesis.
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