Zum einfluß von niederschlägen auf pollen in der atmosphäreAs a result pollinosis patients are affected by these two impacts and should avoid to go outdoor in beginning rainfall and should close their windows immediately.doi:10.1080/00173139109427804...
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一、王春海担任职务:王春海目前担任扬州市海思威服装厂法定代表人;二、王春海投资情况:王春海目前是扬州市海思威服装厂直接控股股东,持股比例为100%;目前王春海投资扬州市海思威服装厂最终收益股份为100%;财产线索 线索数量 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 股权穿透图 挖掘深层股权结构 ...
Niederschlagsbildung—II: Einflu einiger faktoren auf die korngeverteilung bei bariumsulfatniederschlgenBy using a special rapid-mixing device which enables precipitation reactions to be carried out under reproducible conditions, thus giving reproducible particle-size distributions, the effect of several ...
In this work, using a dual-PAM technique for measuring the time-courses of P 700 photooxidation and Chl a fluorescence, we have investigated the STR events in Tradescantia fluminensis leaves. The comparison of Chl a fluorescence and \\\({ext{P}}_{{700}}^{+}\\\) induction allowed us ...
BulgariaWilliam A. WelshMark ArabadjiefSurvey Research and Public Attitudes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
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