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2-chloroprocaine alone produced a progressive relaxation at 10(-3) M or higher concentration with a maximum of 130%. The effects of the mixture of sodium metabisulfite and 2-chloroprocaine were identical to the effects produced by 2-chloroprocaine alone. The relaxation effects of 2...
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根据你的年龄,正处于青春期,机体内分泌代谢比较活跃,激素分泌旺盛,生活中注意饮食清淡,少吃辛辣刺激油腻甜食。可以简单用药,口服复方珍珠珍珠暗疮胶囊。最好还是去医院看,以便跟踪治疗。 患者 下巴以及鼻子俩侧皮肤都变成这样了,比较硬,有时可以挤出白色的东西(男,20岁) ...
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The method was applied successfully for the determination of pharmaceutical preparations containing Ranitidine.HCl with a recovery of 100.63-101.31%.Mohammed. J.M. HussanMouayed Q. Al-AbachiMohammed A. Mustafa
搜索智能精选题目 “解析几何”又称为A. 欧氏几何 B. 罗氏几何 C. 黎曼几何 D. 笛卡尔几何答案 D