在Windows 11中运行CHKDSK (Running CHKDSK in Windows 11) Windows 11的CHKDSK运行方式与Windows 10相似: 右键点击“开始”按钮,选择“Windows终端(管理员)”。 输入chkdsk D: /r并按Enter键。 根据提示选择是否在下次重启时检查驱动器。 重启计算机以执行CHKDSK。 使用图形用户界面运行CHKDSK (Running CHKDSK Using ...
步骤1.右键单击任务栏最左侧的开始按钮,然后从展开的菜单中选择 Windows Powershell(系统管理员)。 步骤2.在 Windows Powershell 视口中,键入 repair-volume -driveletter C并按 Enter 执行它。 笔记: 此命令主要用于修复卷,您可以将 C 替换为计算机上任何其他现有卷。 步骤3.等待此过程完成后,再次打开命...
注意:如果您無法啟動到 Windows 10 來執行 CHKDSK ,請使用 5 個以上的解決方案修復 Windows 10 中的 UEFI 啟動問題。步驟1. 按Windows 鍵並輸入 cmd。步驟2. 右鍵點選「命令提示字元」並選擇「以管理員身份執行」。步驟3. 輸入以下指令並按 Enter: CHKDSK C: /f /r /x。將“C”替換為您要修復的分割...
Otherwise, if every time the check disk has found nothing to repair, and it constantly starts scanning and repairing a drive before you can enter the Windows OS, use the two ways to stop it from the startup: [1] apply the chkntfs /x C: command; [2] retain only the autocheck autochk...
How to run CHKDSK /F or /R to repair the internal hard disk? If your Windows computer runs slowly, won't boot normally, shows a BSOD with Unmountable Boot Volume Error, or indicates that a Boot device is not found, you can run CHKDSK /F or /R to repair the internal hard disk. ...
chkdsk 检查磁盘错误并修复发现的任何错误(CHKDSK checks disk errors and fixes any errors found) chkdsk 检查磁盘错误并修复发现的任何错误(CHKDSK checks disk errors and fixes any errors found) CHKDSK checks disk errors and fixes any errors found 2005-12-9 14:13:44 WINDOWS homely fare read 560 ...
When prompted, selectRepair your computer. ClickTroubleshoot, thenAdvanced options. SelectCommand Prompt. Make sure you know your home drive, in other words, which drive or drive partition on your PC contains Windows (usually the C drive by default). To test this, typec:and hitEnter. Then,...
Bypass all online repair; all defects found are queued for offline repair (for example, chkdsk /spotfix). /perf Use with NTFS only (must be used with /scan). Uses more system resources to complete a scan as fast as possible. This may have a negative performance impact on other tasks ...
CHKDSKis a free command-line utility built in Windows system. You can use CHKDSK to check andrepair hard diskerrors. It can also help you check hard drivebad sectorsand try to recover readable information from bad sectors. When you run CHKDSK in Windows 10, you may meet this error “Anun...
/forceofflinefixUse with NTFS only (must be used with/scan). Bypass all online repair; all defects found are queued for offline repair (for example,chkdsk /spotfix). /perfUse with NTFS only (must be used with/scan). Uses more system resources to complete a scan as fast as possible. ...