Log into Windows 10 Press theWindowskey to open the Start Menu SelectSearch Type-incmd Right-click onCommand Promptfrom the search results list ClickRun as administrator Log in as an Administrator When Command Prompt launches, type the command: chkdsk C: /f /r /x ---这里C:代表你要扫描修...
在Windows 10任务栏搜索框中键入“命令提示符”。从结果中点击展开Command Prompt,然后选择“以管理员身份运行”。启动管理员命令提示符窗口后,先输入盘符命令回车,转到指定分区,然后键入“CHKDSK /R”(无引号),按回车。这时可以看到如下消息:“由于卷正被另一个进程使用,无法运行Chkdsk。是否计划下一次系统重新...
Windows Command Prompt Másolás chkdsk [<volume>[[<path>]<filename>]] [/f] [/v] [/r] [/x] [/i] [/c] [/l[:<size>]] [/b] ParametersTáblázat kibontása ParameterDescription <volume> Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. [ [<...
在Windows 10中,运行CHKDSK的步骤如下: 打开命令提示符(以管理员身份)。 输入chkdsk C: /f并按下Enter键。 如果C盘正在使用,系统会提示您在下次重启时检查该驱动器,输入Y并按Enter。 重启计算机,CHKDSK将在启动时自动运行。 在Windows 11中运行CHKDSK (Running CHKDSK in Windows 11) ...
Log into Windows 10 Press theWindowskey to open the Start Menu SelectSearch Type-incmd Right-click onCommand Promptfrom the search results list ClickRun as administrator Log in as an Administrator When Command Prompt launches, type the command: ...
在Windows 10任务栏搜索框中键入“命令提示符”。从结果中点击展开Command Prompt,然后选择“以管理员身份运行”。 启动管理员命令提示符窗口后,先输入盘符命令回车,转到指定分区,然后键入“CHKDSK /R”(无引号),按回车。这时可以看到如下消息: “由于卷正被另一个进程使用,无法运行Chkdsk。是否计划下一次系统重新启动...
#1. Using Windows 10 Command PromptPress the Windows + X keys to bring up the context menu, select Command Prompt (Admin), and click in.On the Command Prompt window, type the command <chkntfs /x C:> if your target is to disable a disk check task on the C: drive....
Generally, CHKDSK is run via Command Prompt in Windows 10 (or Windows 8 and 7). Using unique commands likechkdsk /forchkdsk /rlets you scan your Windows file system — NTFS (New Technology File System) on Windows XP or later — to pinpoint data errors on your drive and fix them. ...
In Command Prompt window, typesfc /scannow, and pressEnter. Let SFCscan and fixcorrupted or missing system files for your computer. Tip 8. Restore System to a Prior Point Recent changes in your Windows 10 computer system may cause the CHKDSK an unspecified error occurred problem. You can per...