Battered and bloodied:Keep fighting with missing limbs or even if downed and gasping your last breath. Chivalry 2 is about the feeling of survival against the odds and – if you do go down – the opportunity to make it a glorious death. ...
a fix for consoles is to disable crossplay (Settings> Select the game tab in the settings> Scroll all the way down to the bottom to the crossplay option and disable it.
When a game is started by users that do not have crossplay enabled, it will only allow non-crossplay users to rejoin that match and prevent crossplay users from joining it Fixed disabling crossplay causing matchmaking problems for all crossplay users Fixed an issue with matchmaking failing if cros...
The same can be said of lag, though it's hard to say whether the same will be true once the game goes live and the servers will be flooded with gamers from all over the world. As crossplay will be supported, it'll be one big community playing together. Anyone interested in Chivalry ...