An acidic solution (0.5% of acetic acid, pH 6.0) of 4.4% chitosan (molecular weight 327 kDa, deacetylation degree ≥ 75%, Ref.: 448869, Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, USA) was prepared and left shaking for 24 h before use. A single chitosan treatment was applied to a group of 75 plant...
5-fluorouracil (5-FU), low molecular weight chitosan (viscosity 20,000 cps) degree of deacetylation (DD of 92%), cholesterol, dicetyl phosphate (DCP) and MTT (3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co. Ltd. (St. Louis...
Sigma-Aldrich50494Chitosan from shrimp shells low-viscousity9012-76-425g$57.42024-03-01Buy Sigma-Aldrich50494Chitosan from shrimp shells low-viscousity9012-76-4100g$1912024-03-01Buy Sigma-Aldrich417963Chitosan from shrimp shells, practical grade9012-76-425g$57.22024-03-01Buy ...
Thioglycolic acid (TGA), Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), Tripolyphosphate polyanions (TPP), Hyaluronic acid having high molecular weight of 1500 kDa, Dialysis membrane (12,000–14,000 Mw cut-off retention capacity) and Sodium borohydride were acquired from Sigma-Aldrich (Germany) through worldwide scientif...
Chloroquine diphosphate (CQ) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used as received. 2.2. Preparation of CH-RG polyelectrolyte complexes CH samples (1 mg mL1) were dissolved in 0.1 mol L1 HCl. The solution pH was then adjusted to 4.0 by addition of 0.1 mol L1 NaOH (the ...
of糖的分子壳聚糖低分子量lowLow壳聚糖的聚糖的低分子 系统标签: chitosanmolecularweight壳聚糖low低分子量 PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE bioresources Zamani and Taherzadeh (2010). “Low MW chitosan,” BioResources 5(3), 1554-1564. 1554 PRODUCTION OF LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT CHITOSAN BY HOT DILUTE SULFURIC ACID Ak...
Chitosan (Cs) (from Shrimp Shells, degree of deacetylation ≥75%) and collagen (Col) Type I, Insoluble (from Bovine Achilles Tendon) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Hydroxyapatite (HA) was synthesized in our laboratory following the reaction: ...
The effect of chitosan molecular weight on the properties :壳聚糖的分子量对性能的影响分子,of,on,壳聚糖,The,the,壳聚糖对,分子量,甲壳素,壳聚糖的 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 216.05K 文档页数: 9页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数:
Low molecular weight chitosan (ChC, 87 kDa, DA¯≈ 5.0 %) (Cheng Yue Plating® Co. Ltd. Chang, China) was purified according to the methodology described by Santos, Bukzem, and Campana-Filho (2016). The allomorph alfa-chitin (αCh), obtained from shrimp shells (Sigma-Aldrich® Co...
A reasonable control over the molecular weight with high conversion (68%) and polydispersity index of 1.32 under mild reaction conditions were obtained. Significantly, because of the facile separation of the catalyst, the amount of copper that remained in the polymer was very low (2.7 ppm). ...