Chitin is known to provide structural support and an impermeable barrier in cell walls of fungi and exoskeletons of many invertebrates. In nematode, it is only known conclusively that chitin is present in the eggshell. It is unclear if chitin also plays a role in other cells during development...
It may be visualized as cellulose in which the hydroxyl groups on the second carbon are replaced by -NHCOCH3 groups Chitin is structurally very similar to cellulose and serves to strengthen various invertebrates. It offers resistance to chemicals and is present in the cell wall of some fungi as...
with a focus on the major pathogenRhizopus delemar. We observed a unique cell wall structure wherein various conformers of chitin and chitosan independently form the inner rigid layer, unsupported by any soft matrix. Only a small amount of β-glucan is present, which...
with a focus on the major pathogenRhizopus delemar. We observed a unique cell wall structure wherein various conformers of chitin and chitosan independently form the inner rigid layer, unsupported by any soft matrix. Only a small amount of β-glucan is present, which...
Chitinis a naturally occurringmucopolysaccharidepresent in the exoskeleton of crustaceans, insects and fungal cell walls. It is one of the most abundantpolysaccharideson earth and ranks second to cellulose in terms of abundance.Chitinconsists of a sugar back bone with β-1,4-linkedglucosamineunits an...
Chitin is found associated with protein in the exoskeletons of marine invertebrates, insects and arachnids (Austin et al ., 1981), and in the cell walls of various fungi and algae. Chitosan is the N -deacetylated form of chitin and is derived from chitin by deacetylation, i.e. the ...
good evidence that the softness of theapical cellwall is also influenced by the activity of wall-lyticenzymessuch aschitinasesorglucanases(Fontaineet al., 1997; Horschet al., 1997). The formation of chitin is very similar to cellulose, which is consistent with their role as a structural ...
Chitin is a minor but essential component of the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with functions in septum formation in the vegetative life cycle and also in conjugation and spore cell-wall synthesis in the sexual cycle. Of the three chitin synthases present in yeast, chitin synthase III ...
N-acetylglucosamine which forms crystalline fiber-like structure. It is present in the fungal cell walls, insect and crustacean cuticles, nematode eggshells, and protozoa cyst. We provide a critical appraisal on the chemical modifications of chitin and its derivatives in the context of their improved...
Chitin deacetylase (CDA) is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of acetamine groups of N -acetyl- d -glucosamine in chitin, converting it to chitosan in fungal cell walls. In the present study, the activity in batch culture of CDA from six Mucoralean strains, two of them wild type, ...