Ruijie Networks is highly valued by many securities firms due to its strong strength and wide growth space. The research report of Minsheng Securities pointed out that Ruijie Networks relies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange ChiNext board platform to independently raise funds for promoting its business ...
解释包:包容,藏;忍:容忍,忍耐。容忍羞愧与耻辱。 出处唐 杜牧《题乌江亭》诗:“胜败兵家事不期,包羞忍耻是男儿。” 例子宋·吴曾《能改斋漫录·记诗》:“女子能留身后名,包羞忍耻漫公卿。” 用法作主语、谓语、宾语;指人气量大。 感情包羞忍耻是中性词。 繁体包羞忍恥 近义包羞忍辱包...
字数四字 热度一般 拼音bào yuàn xuě chǐ 注音ㄅㄠˋㄩㄢˋㄒㄩㄝˇㄔˇ 解释报:报复。雪:洗刷掉。报怨恨,雪耻辱。 出处《战国策·燕策·乐毅报燕王书》:“若先王之报怨雪耻,夷万乘之强国。” 繁体抱怨雪恥 抱怨雪耻:成语接龙顺接 耻与哙伍...